Friday 12 February 2010

It Matters


Every morning I wake up and do what is called my 'Hour of Power'. It starts with a laugh in bed then sit ups, pushups, and chinups. Then I go for a walk. During the first half of the walk I focus on gratitude - all the things I am grateful for every day. This is accompanied by a breathing exercise that boosts energy and concentration whilst doing a specific tapping exercise with my fingers. The second part of the walk focusses on what I want to achieve during the day and who I am. I recite these things and move towards incantations where I speak as if I have achieved the things I wanted. I return every morning strong and ready for the day.

Last week, it started becoming hard to keep up this routine - emotional reactions to my not yet having a job were making me feel despondent. I examined this, why I wasn't doing my daily routine. I started to look at what my motivators were for doing this routine and realised that I had started to think that it was no longer as important in comparison to other things.

I realised I had to change this view. This routine, this habit, matters. My revised view was that each morning that I do this, it is an epic undertaking - it is not a small set of exercises that have no effect on anything, it completely shapes my body, mind and spirit every day so that I can contribute my maximum potential to this world.

At the same time, I realised that getting into the right 'state' is a very important exercise. It matters. When you are positive and strong your productivity, energy and creativity go right up.

So the major lesson from this is that it matters - whatever you committ to doing on a regular basis in the pursuit of personal development, continue it. It matters. 1 push up a day matters, and it matters that you do it every day.

My challenge to you is that you take on this belief, that each step you take towards your goals matters. Enlarge its significance if it ever falls into doubt. It matters.

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