Saturday 6 March 2010

Creating A Food Schedule

I Love Blueberries!!!

Longevity, energy, health and enjoyment - that'sa the fooda I wanna eatta!!!

In developing my eating/food schedule, I started by writing a list of the foods I liked eating, then curiosity lead me to explore foods which contribute to longevity, energy, health and taste good too!  I merged the two lists and then creativity took over as I began to realise the benefits of eating food with color, nutrients and texture!

My schedule follows the exercise and intensity levels of my week - by mid week, i'm ready for a big steak as i'm in the middle of a heavy training schedule and need my energy and force, Friday night however I might go out and don't want a big curry in my stomach etc.

Making a food schedule:
  • Assists me in making sure I eat good food necessary for my training schedule and longevity.
  • Saves me money as I am planning meals and not 'impulse buying' more expensive products.
  • Eliminates some stress by having such an important element of my lifestyle planned - ie it's already thought out and I can ensure I have all the energy I need to think and act to my full potential.
I'm also going to get a nutritionist so that they can advise me on what things I should be eating to support my training and give me maximum health and energy!  (These oily things sounds good!)

Monday (Light n Healthy)

Haven't worked out as much over the weekend so not really that hungry or needing big protein hit, lighter meal which sets up good, healthy vibe for the week.  

Tuesday (Getting Stuck Into It)

Body's ready to get going and starts to know what it's in for - I need something with a bit more punch that's gonna give me the lift into the week that I need.

Wednesday (Getttin Funky)

Yep, we in it, ready for a big steak and some hard work, ready to get goin!

Thursday (Celebration)

Thursday is a bit of a celebration night as the middle of the week is over, i've probably done some of my harder workouts, and i'm ready to both absorb lots of good nutrients and protein but also have some relaxation and comfort and congratulate myself by enjoying a richer meal.

Friday (Partay!)

Similar to Monday's vibe, I want something light and healthy as later on in the night there may be other unexpected meals had!

Saturday (Tradition)

The Sunday Roast of meals, something a bit more dignified and detailed and heavier.  More time goes into this meal and I like to think of it as a meal that can be shared and that has had thought put into it.  It's the sacred, traditional dinner, with wine, table settings and serviettes a plenty!

Sunday (Safe)

The week is done and we are ready for another one.   Reasonable heaviness but not too heavy that I will be sluggish on Monday morning.  Healthy, light and fruity!

I'll be putting recipes and other cool food stuff on my food page, so stay tuned!

Happy, Healthy Eating To You!!! :) xxx

1 comment:

  1. Happy, Healthy Eating...hell yes, brother! That's what I'm all about. :)

    P.S. Just watched some of the clips on your "Fun & Light" page...hilarious. I was legit smiling and laughing at my laptop. :)
