Saturday 31 July 2010

Change Is Good

Dear People,

After a long absence from blog writing I return with the following news, it's hard to say non dramatically, but 'So You Think You Can Dance Australia ' has been cancelled for 2011 (see story here).  So that has changed my course somewhat, but truth be told I was not ready for the competion.  As some of you know I left Australia in January to train in the UK but a serious of events and experiences caused me to mainly be involved in non dance related work ie I was working but not dancing or training.  It was a difficult year but it is time to re-assess, re-envisage and create my future anew.  Stories like the video above help to put things in perspective.  Continued love and strength to you all and I look forward to returning to my source of strength and love and sharing it with you all. 

Lots of Love,

Robin :) xxx