
There are a few areas that I need to develop specific skills in.  This page will follow my progress in these areas.  Firstly, my specific goals (note: this will be developed and refined as time goes on):

  • Pirouettes x 6.
  • Splits in both directions.
  • Develop a large plie.
  • Develop a good fifth position.
  • Learn correct port de bras and head placement.
  • Develop good jumps in fourth.
  • Successive Back Handsprings x 10
Hip Hop
  • Coming Soon.
  • My main goal at the moment is to study in a release based style so I can get a very smooth style of movement happening.  
Other Dance
  • I think that having experience in a wide range of dances adds to my creativity and movement abilities, i'm currently studying Bollywood and already can feel its influence in my dance.  It is a very happy and joyful dance that I love doing.  So I think I will stay open to experiencing other types of dance as well - African dances etc.  They all add to my movement vocabulary and dynamic - I remember doing a Senegalese dance class once that had wild, flailing arm movement, a very distinctive style which could really facilitate a more release based style.  
  • Coming Soon.
Fitness and Strength
  • 10 unassisted hand stand push ups.
This was some improvisation i did before the SYTYCD auditions in 2009.