Wednesday 10 February 2010

Bollywood - The Dance of The Gods!

I can honestly say I don't think I have felt such joy in a dance class as I do in the Bollywood dance classes I am taking at the moment.  Quite simply, it is a dance of joy. People smile and move gracefully and move to the music - I LOVE IT! So I'm very grateful to have come across this form of dance, this teacher, and the people in the class.

I've learnt 4 main hand gestures and a variety of very user friendly movements that accentuate rythyms in the music and just feel right. I also like the innate spiritual aspect to the dance, when I do some of the movements I feel respect, gratitude, contentment, peace and that unnameable sense of being in the right place. It also really feels like a dance in it's truest sense, like an art form, inspired by things of old but immediately accessible. I love seeing people smile in the class, it really is quite a profound experience each time.

Aight, that's it for this post, in the meantime 'Shut Up and Bounce'!

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