Wednesday 24 March 2010

Time Spent - Practise Until It's Automatic

New Found Respect for Mike Tyson as a phenomenal athlete.  

"Spring training, then, is about planning and practicing until it's automatic.  That preparation is essential for success in any venture".
 - Harvey Mackay (Businessman)
This quote made me think of Tyson in these videos and how you could see all the training just become activated when he got in the ring.  I also experienced this in last years SYTYCD when I got into the choreograohy round and we rehearsed like crazy the sequence hundreds of times over and over without stopping so that when it came to do the routine it was automatic.  This is something that I will apply to next years routine because, as Jason said, after I lost my place in my own choreography, that shouldn't be happening to a dancer at my level, it should just be automatic so that is definately something to learn from.  

1 comment:

  1. This is not bout your blog but i just google my pics hehe!
    Miss Jamming with you! Hope all is well buddy :)
