Tuesday 24 August 2010

Recognising Your Gremlins

Recognise your gremlins so that when they arise you can ignore them.  Gremlins can include - doubts, laziness, lack of energy.  Once you have recognised them for what they are, you can push through them and change your state immediately.  This morning I woke with some doubts and a sort of 'what's the point' mentality - GREMLINS - course of action, ignore and continue!  They evaporate pretty quickly!

You can also look at this from a time management perspective and ask yourself - is this particular doubt taking away from valuable time that could be spent enjoying myself and creating, or getting the benefits from a great workout, or hanging out with some cool people?  Doubt can often come from the fear of making mistakes - but today I realised, perhaps the greatest mistake of all is the fear of making them!  Persevere and trust yourself and the universe that what is meant to be will be and you will play your part in it!

Sunday 22 August 2010

Not Sure What To Do? Start With Something.

As mentioned in my last post, I recently had to modify this years major goal which was competing in SYTYCD Australia 2011. After this, I found myself uncertain of how to proceed, what my new goals should be, and how to get back in to the swing of things.  

I was concerned I didn't have a vision - but the other day I started writing down a few little things I knew I did want and from there, well the flood gates opened, new and old dreams resurfaced and I found the energy and motivation to start moving in that direction again.  

So if you are wondering - 'What do I want to do?' or even thinking 'I don't know what I want!' - just start with some little things and I guarantee this will give you motivation to keep going.