Saturday 13 February 2010


As part of my coaching I completed a questionnaire that produced a series of 'Personality Profile' reports.

One of the key insights I gained from these reports was the concept of 'Motivators'.  It highlighted things I was motivated by.  This concept is supported by strategies within my coaching program of defining the 'purpose' of why you want to achieve what you want to achieve.  Having an earth moving 'purpose' or 'motivator' is very important in achieving goals and sustaining consistency in your actions and mental approach.

It is this that you can refer to when times get tough, to keep you going, and get you out of your head and into taking action.

Recently, I have been searching for a job in my new home town of Guildford.  I'd been getting a bit despondent about the lack of progress I perceived I had been making.  Firstly, my expectations may have been a bit high, I had expected to get a job in a week or two but none had been forthcoming.  Nevertheless, financial obligations and just the desire to be more active during the day and have more things to do, made me determined to get a job.

But this wasn't enough.  I started to feel why was it important that I have a job.  As mentioned in my last post 'It Matters', I decided to amplify the significance of what I was attempting to do.  My motivation became the thought of having a child, a baby girl, and having her at home waiting for me to get a job.  For me this was not just a fantasy, but it seemed to be in a sense closer to the truth of the matter.  If I didn't prove myself now, if I didn't get my act together now and achieve the things I wanted to do, how was I going to provide for my family in the future. This became the significance that I needed to truly motivate me and make me aware of what was actually at stake.

I went into a store shortly afterwards that had a vacancy sign on its door.  I said I wanted to make contact and get more details of the position. After a brief discussion, I stated 'I will work for free until you give me the job.  I am keen'.  I left feeling strong and confident, emailed them my resume, and later that day received a response asking me to come back for an interview.  In all of my actions in this process, my motivator was my little girl.  I felt strong and focussed and I knew what I had to do.

This is the significance of having strong motivators.  It is not a fantasy, but rather really looking at how your actions today will shape your tomorrow.  I went out that morning hungry for a job and have now positioned myself well to succeed in this.

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