Monday 22 February 2010


Alrighty, well this is turning out to be an interesting week, I hurt my arm/shoulder/back towards the end of last week and have some sleepless nights because of it.  On Saturday morning I nearly spewed it was so sore, I couldn't even take of my singlet and my hands were trembling. Ouch! So this week, classes are back on again and I have to develop an approach that will allow me to stay active and provide the best conditions for healing.  So i'm thinking i'm just gonna run in the evening and not do gym too much.  I talked to someone who said salt may help in recovery.  But rest mainly.  Got some mild pain killers (aspirin) for this evening so I can have a little uninterrupted sleep which will be good.  The person I spoke to also did a little test to see if there was any nerve damage and there didn't seem to be, just a muscle sprain/tear thing which he said was good because it will repair.  So i'm gonna have a hot shower and stay positive and look at what this is teaching me - in boxing tonight I had to stay calm, even though I wanted to whack the shizz out of the pads, and just focus on technique and timing - it was good and I knew that when I could box again, I would be able to do it with so much more specificity and knowledge.  So that's all good.  And tonight in breakdance, I just focussed on top rocking and worked on a lil routine which was cool.  Time for a shower!!!

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