Friday 12 March 2010

Work/Sickness/Good Food Pics - Getting A Job!!!!

Evolution of the pointy lipped dinosaur.

I've been quite busy lately with a new job that has involved night shifts in a warehouse.  Getting a job quickly became my priority when I moved to England as all the things I wanted to do relied on having money - classes, rent, self development, eating etc :)  I applied for over 50 jobs in 2 months and this is the one that came through, working with a temp agency.

I've only been at it a week and i'm sure there's many things I still have to learn from the job, but at the moment I work at night (usually 10pm - 6:30am) and sleep during the day and there is no time to do anything else.

My body is sore when I wake up and my hands are all cut and dry.

[Edit:  Added this a few days after writing this post]

I've also been sick for about two weeks (gettin better though) and got dry lips with a pimple underneath from the cream i've been putting on them - so felt a bit cracky when I woke up today (see above) hehe!!

I love the work in that it's really physical and I can just throw myself in there with music blasting etc but i'm aware that I don't have time for dancing etc.  Anyway, i'll give it a bit more time and see what happens - it's good to have some work and to be getting some cash!

The warehouse where i'm working.  

I started looking into food a bit more seriously recently as my body was craving some of the good stuff.  I was very happy therefore when I came across 'A Very Busy Mind' - an awesome blog by Cassie about food, fitness and life in general, very funny and with pretty pictures!!  She's also been sick lately too and so it has been funny to read some of her musings on this haha.

In homage to her blog, I took my current limited food supply this evening to create this meal!

Eggs A La Green Avocado Sunrays with salt, pepper and paprika drizzled in olive oil!

Close Up!!!

And for historical purposes, this is what I could afford at the local store tonight!

Milk for coffee, an orange for medicine!!!

Cassie was also talking about finding work and, as I have recently/am going through this, I thought I would share the following:

I bought it the other day and started reading it - he seems like a nice man and there are plenty of persuasive videos on his book here!

Alrighty, until next time, be strong and power on!!! Peace and love, Robin :) xxx

1 comment:

  1. Robin! I am so honored! That egg creation look absolutely delicious, too.

    You should do a post on that book when you finish it - a review?! I'd love to hear more about it.
